A little old lady walked into a department store one day. She was surprised when a band began to play; an executive pinned an orchid on her dress and handed her a crisp $100 bill. She was the store’s millionth customer. Television cameras focused on her and reporters...
Last Sunday morning, we heard a message about faithfulness to church. Church is not an optional part of Christian living, it is an essential part of Christian living. It matters to God and it should matter to us! God’s care for the church is evident in the Bible. It...
God does much with the Bible and through the Bible. “Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD. Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.” – Psalm 119:1–2 How does God bless us through His...
Last Sunday, I preached an entire message about reading the Bible. However, reading the Bible isn’t something we have to do at all. That’s right, I said you do not have to read the Bible. There are many difficulties in life, but reading the Bible shouldn’t be one of...
“Why should I join the church?” It’s a valid question. Sometimes it’s said with genuine curiosity–“So explain to me what membership is all about.” Other times it’s said with a tinge of suspicion–“So tell me again, why do you think I should become a member?”–as if...
Malls are trendy. Churches should feel timeless. With constant change sweeping over every part of our lives, we need something that is enduring and firm. We believe that Jesus Christ founded the church to represent His eternal kingdom and ageless Truth with no need to...