Seedline Bible Project
Friday, Nov 6th – Sunday, Nov 8th
We are excited to announce our first ever hands-on Bible publishing project here at Anchor! We are partnering with BPS Seedline ministries to help prepare 10,000 French John & Romans Scriptures for distribution by overseas missionaries. The “Seedline” ministry is an opportunity for local churches to have hands on involvement with Bible publishing. Churches take the printed pages and collate them, fold the covers, put the Scripture in the covers, stapling them, cutting the books and boxing them. Scripture booklets are sent to missionaries to use in evangelizing the lost.
Anyone Can Help!
From folding covers to collating and stuffing, there are jobs for everyone including kids.
Schedules & Signups
The first two work sessions will be Friday afternoon at 3 p.m. and evening at 6 p.m with a spaghetti dinner break in between. We start again Saturday morning at 9 a.m and work till lunch. You can signup online to work at any or all of the sessions.
What about COVID? Our project liaison has assured us that we can carry out the project while maintaining a safe working environment for volunteers. Be prepared to wear a face covering and possibly spend some time outdoors.